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In Midreshet Yeud, we believe that the Midrasha student of today is coming from a modern, outside world, so different from the Beit Midrash environment. At Yeud, we strive to find a common ground between that modern world and the ancient customs that Judaism is based on. The classes are a blend of Jewish thought, Halachah, Chasidut, Philosophy, Academia and Torah. With the aid of the talented and open staff, the girls are encouraged to find their own voices as they search for their point of balance in this varied Jewish world. The program also includes educational tiyulim, guest lecturers, and Shabbatonim. The environment is one of openness, caring, and warmth and every girl is encouraged to ask questions, formulate her own opinions, and explore the world of Judaism around her.


The Overseas Program at Midreshet Yeud is for girls coming for their gap year between high school and university. At Yeud, we believe that it is important for girls coming to Israel to contribute to Israeli society. Therefore, the program is divided into two sections: Daily Torah learning and Sherut Leumi community service. Every day there are regular Judaic classes, but twice a week the girls volunteer in one or two institutions that they have chosen. There are many choices, based on the interests of the girls. Every year the choices change and grow. Some examples are: working with the elderly, working with mentally disabled children or adults, working on a horse ranch, tutoring English, and working in a Gan, English or Hebrew. 

The program not only includes learning and community service, but educational tiyulim all over Israel, guest speakers, Shabbatonim, and other fun activities that help girls form lifelong friendships and bonds. Students at Midreshet Yeud are fully immersed in a Torah environment. They do not only learn Torah, but by doing the mitzvot of helping others, they live it.

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