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Sherut Leumi Possibilities


SHALVA is dedicated to providing quality care for children with disabilities, empowering their families, and promoting social change. Non-denominational and free of charge, SHALVA's programs range from infancy to adulthood. Our students will assist the teachers and therapists in the different aspects of the afternoon routine. One example is the girls assisting in the pool in hydrotherapy . The connections the girls make with the children are truly incredible. 


Keren Or 
At Keren Or, they believe a little light can dispel much darkness. Their goal is about getting past children’s disabilities and revealing their hopes, dreams, and possibilities. These children are blind and often with other mental disabilities. Our students assist the teachers in the classrooms and with different activities. They connect with the children and see them grow throughout the year. It is an unforgettable experience.


Food bank 
At the Food Bank of Ramot the girls will assist packing boxes for needy families. Sometimes girls will help set up collections stands to encourage locals to donate and contribute to the cause. There are a lot of boxes to pack weekly to be delivered each week before Shabbat. This important work directly affects the lives of needy families in the area.


Gan Meshi
At Gan Meshi, the dedication and devotion of the staff and parents have resulted in the creation of a rehabilitative center like no other. Its one-on-one care, wide range of intensive therapies, unique client-centered approach, innovative and pioneering techniques, and top sophisticated equipment combine to create an unprecedented framework for treating and educating severely disabled children. The girls can assist within the framework of the therapies, help the children play and interact with one another. They will surely have an unbelievable experience . 


After School Program 
An afternoon program for battered girls is a local project within Ramot. The Midreshet Yeud students can come and play games with the girls or just be a smiling face to greet them after school. These girls come from challenging home environments and our students are there to create a warm and friendly place for them to spend time after school. 


Second hand store 
The second hand clothing store in Ramot is a place for needy families to come if they can't afford the regular stores within Jerusalem. The girls will assist with helping shoppers find what they need, work at the register as well as sort through any new incoming supply to the store. It's a great way for girls to help families in need and make the shopping experience that much more enjoyable and dignified for them.


Visiting the elderly 
Visiting the elderly is a great chessed. There are many elderly English speakers in the area who are looking for someone to read to them, play scrabble or just share stories and keep them company. Our girls can enjoy an afternoon with these truly special people and learn the meaning of respect, appreciation and lending a helping hand. 

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